Locating Open Residencies
This page provides details on open residency positions for the past 5+ years (PGY 1,2,3,4) for incoming students. It is meant to assist future candidates looking for open residencies to connect with available programs. All positions are staffed and paid. There are two main areas of concentration. First, there are full-time doctorates positions in general medicine that have been awarded to very successful candidates in the past. Second, there are a number of openings in the general health field that are open to returning students.

These positions in residency come with the option to elect a one, two, three, or four year residency for a specific field of medicine. The first set of listings contains the broadest and most comprehensive list of all the available positions in the United States. This comprehensive list covers allopathic positions as well as those specializing in nursing, optometry, physical therapy, podiatry, radiology, and etc.
This second, shorter list offers a more targeted approach for students seeking open residency positions in their desired specialty area(s). The second list has a smaller number of positions with fewer options. It covers those specializing in pediatrics, family practice, geriatrics, oncology, nutrition, and much more. In addition, it offers more specialized positions such as those in radiation oncology, cardiology, plastic surgery, orthopedics, and rheumatoid arthritis. Of course, the list is not comprehensive. It’s just a starting point for the thousands of jobs that are available to medical students at any time during their careers.
Students can search for these open residency positions using the many online resources for physician employment. One of the most popular websites is this website, which allows students to search for available positions and browse the specialties listed. They can also search for available fellowships in the specific areas of interest. This site maintains a comprehensive list of vacancies from which students can choose.
When searching for an open residency position using this website, make sure you don’t wait to signup because the positions close fast. Most positions require quite a bit of information from you in order to apply. This means including your curriculum vitae, letter of recommendation, details about the specific campus where you wish to pursue your medical career, and all other important information that will help the recruiter to make a good match. Most of all the position search websites, in general, also maintain a comprehensive list of matched applicants, which makes finding the right residency position a simple task. Students can also subscribe to newsletters from the medical school informing them of any updates on available positions or any new matches made in their area.
Students who successfully enroll in a residency program are more likely to have job offers when they graduate. For this reason, it is crucial that students take the initiative in making sure that their personal details are placed on their profiles. Many open residency positions do not advertise the exact positions available, and this is why students should be diligent in their research and online search in order to find the perfect residency program that suits them.
Some students prefer to make use of websites such as those that maintain a comprehensive list of open positions from which they can choose. These websites allow students to search for specific positions, and if they match their interests, they are provided with details about the residency program, including details on the duration and location. They can also browse through the profiles of the students who are also interested in the program. The majority of these websites have a detailed list of the various residency programs offered by various specialties.
Once a student has successfully found the right open position, he or she should begin actively looking for a match. This means contacting previous residency programs that match his or her criteria for the desired open position. The student should not stop there. By visiting the websites of prospective employers, he or she will be able to gain more insight into the type of environment that is ideal for the position. Prospective employers often have a section where current residents are able to state their level of experience and skills. Taking advantage of this information should lead the student to successfully land his or her dream open residency position.